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razstava rib v reki Muri Skrivnostni svet reke Mure v Muzeju norosti

The Mysterious World of the Mura River

Mura River is the queen of fish species diversity. This photographic exhibit depicts all sixty-five species of fish that inhabit the Mura.

The Mura River ranks among the top European rivers in terms of fish diversity. The fact that its waters are free-flowing, with no dam from Ceršak to the mouth of the Danube in the Black Sea, provides excellent conditions for fish spawning. Some of them travel hundreds of kilometres to lay their eggs in the area between Cersak and Trate. The exhibition presents photographs and descriptions of 65 species of fish that live in the Mura and one special "fish of madness" that is only visible to the human eye at Cmurek Castle. Due to its great natural wealth, the Mura is now registered as a UNESCO Biosphere Site. Photos for the exhibition contributed by Marijan Gaber, text by Dr. Meta Povž, ichthyologist.

razstava rib v reki Muri Skrivnostni svet reke Mure v Muzeju norosti
razstava rib v reki Muri Skrivnostni svet reke Mure v Muzeju norosti
razstava rib v reki Muri Skrivnostni svet reke Mure v Muzeju norosti
razstava rib v reki Muri Skrivnostni svet reke Mure v Muzeju norosti

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