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razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti

Green Gladiators

The earliest resistance to hydroelectric dams on the Mura emerged in the 1980s. This exhibit was developed in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Fish of Slovenia and the My Mura Coalition.

In the 1980s, Slovenia's Mura river was threatened for the first time. The Yugoslav authorities planned to build twelve large hydroelectric power plants. At the time, the Mura's experts, artists and inhabitants resisted with all their might, proving that a precious source of drinking water should not be destroyed for a handful of energy. In 2005, the drive to dam the Mura was renewed. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia granted Dravske elektrarne company, as a future investor, a concession to build eight large hydroelectric power plants on the Mura. The people of the Mura and many others continued the battle to preserve the free-flowing Mura. The exhibition outlines the efforts of the so-called first fighters and shows that the arguments against damming and concreting the Mura are the same today as they were four decades ago. Let the Mura flow without obstacles!


razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti
razstava Zeleni gladiatorji o eko aktivizmu v Muzeju norosti

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