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glavna sobana v Muzeju norosti


Everybody is a bit mad here

Kot družba smo dolžni zagotoviti primerne pogoje za življenje in
oskrbo ljudi z dolgotrajnimi oviranostmi v skupnosti, med nami.


Visit to the museum

The castle and exhibits are open to the public during scheduled events and by prior appointment. For information about current and upcoming events follow our page on Facebook: "Muzej norosti".

Current announcements

Vinski večer

Wine evening at Cmurek Castle, 7. September 2024

Tue, 20.08.2024 - 20:40

We invite you to Cmurek Castle for an unforgettable late summer evening. In the shelter of the castle walls, in one of the most beautiful Renaissance courtyards in Slovenia, a tasting of excellent wines from selected winemakers of Štajerska region will take place. We will enrich the event with an interesting cultural program.

psihiatrična bolnišnica Hawler

Simon Chang exhibition opening

Mon, 30.10.2023 - 12:17

Simon Chang is a photographer who started photographing patients in psychiatric institutions in 2004 in Prague, where he photographed the Bohnice institution for several years. Between 2018 and 2019, he photographed the Hawler Psychiatric Hospital in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, whose cells are mainly filled with patients suffering from the effects of the recent war devastation. This time, the series of photographs is presented in Cmurek Castle, which operated as a State Asylum for the Mentally and Neurologically Ill between 1956 and 2004.

gostje okrogle mize o oživljanju težavne kulturne dediščine

Revitalisation of Difficult Cultural Heritage (video)

Wed, 06.09.2023 - 19:03

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Museum of Madness, we hosted two events on June 24, 2023 at Cmurek Castle in Trate. The talks aimed at reflecting on the challenges and importance of preserving and revitalizing cultural heritage. Recordings of the talks can now be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Besides the exhibition, the Museum is a host to various events that attract locals, tourists and experts.

Other activities

Calendar of events

misli o norosti
Rastava neskočne Trate norosti

Call for the Museum of Madness Recognition

The Museum of Madness invites applications for the recognition for the best bachelor's or master's thesis on human rights and institutional life and the award for the best doctoral dissertation on human rights in relation to institutional life in Slovenia.

Zavod Muzej norosti, Trate
Trate 14c
2213 Trate

Panoramska slika grada
zadnji graščaki trat

The last lords of Trate

A short documentary about life and work in the former State Asylum for the Mentally and Neurologically Ill in Trate, by Lukas Miheljak.

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