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Call for the Museum of Madness Recognition

Published: Thu, 14.07.2022 - 15:07

At the Museum of Madness, we are working to raise awareness about the need for deinstitutionalisation in Slovenia, the abolition of long-term care institutions where people with disabilities are placed, and the development of community-based services that will enable people with disabilities to live in the community and integrate into society. These rights are guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Slovenia ratified in 2008.


By recognition of the Museum of Madness, we want to encourage young people in all fields to explore the possibilities and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to transform services provided in institutions into services available in the community, among people. Services that are tailored to the needs of the individual and available in the ordinary settings where people live.


The Museum of Madness is calling for applications:


  1.  a recognition for the best thesis or master's thesis from the perspective of human rights and institutional life.
  2. a recognition for the best doctoral thesis from a human rights perspective in relation to institutional life in Slovenia


  • The recognition is open to those who have graduated with a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degree in Slovenia in any field in the last academic year. The first call for applications is for the academic year 2021-2022 and includes final theses from October 2021 to the end of September 2022.
  • Authors can apply themselves, or their supervisors can apply.
  • If you think that a particular final work deserves recognition, please send the following information to the Museum of Madness e-mail address ( name and surname of the author; title of the work; date of the defence; COBISS ID and -address for communication with the applicant.

If the work is not yet registered in COBISS and is not available online, please send us the work in a pdf document. The call is valid for the current academic year, this year applications will be accepted until 31 October.

The ceremony and award ceremony takes place every year on World Human Rights Day at the Museum of Madness in Trate, around 10 December. The award winners will give a brief presentation on the key findings of their work.



Museum of Madness 2022 Recognition

A jury of experts in the field of deinstitutionalisation and human rights selected the best :




Master's thesis entitled “SPOLNO ŽIVLJENJE OSEB, KI BIVAJO V SOCIALNO VARSTVENEM ZAVODU HRASTOVEC”, author VANESSA KOZAR, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, supervisor: doc. dr. Špela Razpotnik, co-supervisor: asist. dr. Darja Tadić.

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