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24 Sep 2022: Guided walk into the living world along the Mura River

Published: Fri, 16.09.2022 - 22:36

On this year's Day for the Mura, we will meet at 15:00 on the forest path by the Cmurek Bridge and take a guided walk into the "European Amazon".


The Mura River, with its groundwater recharging the water table, has allowed people to settle in these places. The river provides habitat for many species of flora and fauna. Its importance has been recognised by the international organisation UNESCO, which has awarded the Mura basin, together with the Drava and Danube rivers, the title of a 5-country biosphere site, increasingly recognised as "Europe's Amazon".


On the occasion of World Rivers Day, we are organising a guided walk along the Mura River, a branch of the "European Amazon", into whose secrets we will be guided by fishermen, fishery rangers and naturalists Boris Bezjak and Marijan Gaber, who will reveal the lesser-known charms of our river. The co-workers of the the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation will introduce us to interesting games and their projects for the revitalisation of the Mura.

Join us at 15:00 in Trate on the forest trail that leads upstream along the Mura from the Cmurek Bridge in Trate towards Sladki Vrh. At 17.30, a get-together with refreshments at Cmurek Castle and the opportunity to visit exhibitions dedicated to the Mura: "In the Beginning was the Mura", "The Mysterious World of the Mura" and "From Green Gladiators to Eco-Terrorists"


The event takes place within the framework of the Mura Festival activities, organised by the Museum of Madness, DPRS - Slovenian Native Fish Society, Moja Mura Alliance and the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation.

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