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prebivalec Trat

Stories from Trate

Žepnica Grad Cmurek

Igor Sapač v žepnici o gradu Cmurek poglobljeno raziskuje enega izmed najstarejših ohranjenih srednjeveških gradov na Slovenskem. S strateško postavitvijo na skalni pomol nad reko Muro, po kateri od leta 1919 poteka mejna črta, grad v širšem prostoru predstavlja edinstven kulturni spomenik. Grad Cmurek sta okoli leta 1140 kot središče zemljiškega gospostva zgradila Burkhard in njegova žena Judita, ki sta se po njem tudi poimenovala. V obsežnem grajskem kompleksu so danes še vedno razpoznavne njegova visokosrednjeveška arhitekturna zasnova in kakovostno izklesane umetnostne prvine. Med zgodnjenovoveškimi preureditvami gradu v renesančno plemiško rezidenco družine Stubenberg izstopa zaključeno monumentalno arkadno notranje dvorišče. Grad, ki je bil stoletja dolgo neločljivo povezan z neposredno okolico, je v 20. stoletju zaznamovala v njem delujoča zaprta socialnovarstvena ustanova oziroma »norišnica«. Po zaslugi posameznikov, združenih v dediščinsko skupnost Muzeja norosti, Trate, od leta 2013 ponovno postaja prepoznavno središče obmejnega sožitja.


Avtor: Igor Sapač

Založnik: Založba ZRC

Soizdajatelja: Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta in Muzej norosti, Trate

ISBN: 978-961-05-0779-6

Specifikacija: mehka vezava, 21 × 13 cm, 136 strani

Žepnica je izšla s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo RS.


Grad iz zraka

Prispevki k biografiji Terezije Mostler [Contributions to the biography of Terezija Mostler]

This radio programme (in Slovenian) provides a brief insight into the pioneering days of Slovenian photography. But not just any photography, but an art and craft led by a woman's hand. Slovenian women photographers, as it is seen in the world, are much less known in history than their colleagues, although there are a number of women among the pioneers. Marko Radmilovič will talk to Sonja Bezjak about the unusual fate of Terezija Mostler from Trate, one of the first Slovenian women photographers, on the programme "Sledi časa"

You can listen to the radio programme Sledi časa from the RTV Slovenia archive.
Prepared by: Marko Radmilovič, 4. 9. 2022

telefon in tablete

Film Muzej norosti

Dokumentarni film Muzej norosti si lahko ogledate v arhivu RTV Slovenija


scenarist, režiser in montažer: Amir Muratović

direktor fotografije: Bernard Perme

avtorja glasbe: Ana Kravanja in Samo Kutin


Tell us your story

Since 2013, we have been building the Museum of Madness in the Cmurek Castle in Trate, on the Slovenian-Austrian border. 

We have placed it in what was once a large institution called the Hrastovec - Trate Asylum for the Mentally and Neurologically Ill, which was closed by the state in 2004 with the assurance that people would be moved back into the community to be supported to live a decent life.

The museum collects material to show visitors what life was like in such an institution on the edge of the country. We have already collected some of the material and presented it in an exhibition. What is missing are the testimonies of the people who lived in this institution in Trate. We have lost all trace of the people who left here in 2004. We would like to hear their stories, record their memories and present them in the museum as a reminder and a reminder. If you know anything about the institution in Trate, please help us to collect stories about life and work in the institution in Trate. We are also interested in stories from other institutions in Slovenia and beyond. Email us at or call us on 00386 70 433 219

Utrinki s Trat

knjiga in cigareti
telefon in tablete
prostor zdravnika v Muzeju norosti
Zgodbe s Trat
Zgodbe s Trat
Zgodbe s Trat
Zgodbe s Trat
Zgodbe s Trat
Zgodbe s Trat

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