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Panoramska slika grada

Activities in Museum of madness

The Museum of Madness is dedicated to the study, preservation and presentation of the history of Castle Cmurek by Trate, which is one of the oldest and largest castles in Slovenia.

The Museum is supported by the joint efforts of local residents from both the Slovenian and the Austrian sides of the Mura River, which together we view as a single heritage community.

Our areas of interest include the fields of paleontology, archaeology, history, architecture, visual arts, music, literature, culture, the natural environment and cross-border collaboration.

We have established a locally-based cross-border center open to the world. We are continuously developing a participatory museum that presents a problematic heritage.

We create spaces of memory and respect.


Regional centre for deinstitutionalization

European documents bind all EU countries, to the responsibility of developing jobs for the care and help of a community, with which people can stay at home and not be moved into assisted living facilities or retirement homes. It’s known too little that, Slovenia is on the second place by rate of institutionalization in Europe. Despite this, the capacity of assisted living facilities and retirement homes has not decreased, but has increased, with the construction of new ones. The situation in 2020 in connection with the Coronavirus epidemic confirmed to us, that the least protected, most vulnerable and people most prone to bad outcomes are the ones that are institutionalized.

Dejavnosti na gradu

From institutions to people

At the Museum of Madness, we make the domestic and foreign public aware that Slovenia is one of the most institutionalized countries in the world and that the human rights of people living in institutions are violated. Experience shows that people are poorly informed about this systemic problem and that despite the warnings of the experts there is no political will to carry out the process of deinstitutionalisation, which began and stopped with the closure of the State Asylum for the Mentally and Neurologically Ill in Trate.

skupinska spalnica

Between the Walls - a solo exhibition by Simon Chang and artist residency at the Museum of Madness

Cmurek Castle, with its former "State Asylum for the Mentally and Neurologically Ill" and the efforts of the Museum of Madness to raise awareness of the rights of people with mental health problems, inspires many artists, and this time they have brought in renowned photographer Simon Chang, who has photographed people who have ended up behind the walls of institutions due to their personal circumstances or because of the war, in the psychiatric institutions that are still in operation in Prague, in the Czech Republic, and in Erbil, in the Southern Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

psihiatrična bolnišnica Hawler

Selected areas of activity

At the Museum of Madness, we are dedicated to the exploration of nature and cultural heritage. We strive for de-institutionalisation. We present our themes in exhibitions, especially through art and cultural events. We pay special attention to young people, and in cooperation with primary and secondary schools and faculties, we provide training on selected topics.

Contact the Museum of Madness if you are interested in any of the selected topics:​

  • History of Cmurek Castle

  • History of life along the border

  • Life along the Mura river

  • History of Madness

  • Novi Kinek Manor or Kapralov Castle or Upper Castle at Trate

  • Hanson's or Petek's Mill

  • Sergei Kapralov, Russian doctor from Trate

  • Terezija Mostler, one of the first Slovenian women photographers

  • Archaeological site "Anziglperk"

  • Paleontology of the area

Gradivo na mizi
Dejavnosti na gradu

Study Circles of Slovenian Institute for Adult Education


With the support of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, we run study circles aimed at research, education, cooperation and networking. Through various activities, we aim to bring selected topics closer to the community, thus contributing to greater solidarity, the strengthening of social networks and, in general, to a higher quality of life in rural areas.


Study Circles 2021/2022:


* Strengthening communities

* Madness and Creativity

* Living the cultural heritage of Cmurek

* Readings at the Museum of Madness


Expert support

  • Dr. Igor Sapač, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture University of Maribor
  • Dr. Vito Flaker, Dr. Darja Zaviršek, Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
  • Dr. Rajko Muršič, Dr. Jože Hudales, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljanai
  • Dr. Andreja Rafaelič and Katarina Ficko, Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Andreja Slameršek, The Slovenian Native Fish Society

Local organizations:

Current announcements

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